Saturday, October 20, 2007

Play Week - Learning week 5

#10 (week 5)

Played around with Image Generators - The Generator Blog, Letter James , FD Toys; found they were really fun, none of them are difficult to use. The tooth fairy is my favorite image that I downloaded from 'the generator blog', and I quite like this plate image as well:

RSS & Newsreaders - Learning week 4

#9 (week 4)

Looked at some search tools: feedster,,, technorati. I found the technorati is easiest to use, because of easier to search for blogs, especially to seach for specific blogs. Feedster is more confusing, because of it is very large collections of RSS feeds, we can search for feeds in few categories, it is very confusing. Anyway, all these search tools are very useful for searching for feeds, blogs and so on.

My faviorite search tool:

# 8 (week 4)

View my public Bloglines account:

RSS feeds is a revolutionalizing way to share information such as news, media, it is also changing the way everyday users are consuming information. I set up my own Bloglines account, and subsribed some feeds to it. There are lots of readings, and I found it was not difficult to do once I followed the instructions. The searching becomes much easier for me using my blogline. Added colleague's feeds, so enjoyed it.